Saturday, March 28, 2020

Spanish Tutoring For Young Kid Rates

Spanish Tutoring For Young Kid RatesSpanish tutoring for young kids is a very popular option these days and many parents are taking the decision to enroll their kids in any kind of Spanish class. It has long been seen that with every passing day there are more organizations joining the charter bus that travels around the country and the world. These charters have English as one of the major languages of instruction and they therefore tend to use many different languages for different topics. Spanish is often used in the classes to boost the interest level of the children in both the language classes and also the schools.The school curriculum for kids of school age is generally English based but now it is also starting to be the case that the pupils are being asked to study Spanish. Spanish tutoring for young kids is an excellent way to introduce the language and it helps them to interact with other students and even the teachers in the English classes. Also, it helps in the retention of the learning process.The reason for this is that Spanish is a very helpful language for children especially if they are not exposed to the other languages at home. The ability to communicate well with other kids is the single greatest asset that a child can acquire. They are already social beings and therefore they know how to share their knowledge with the rest of the students. This increases the knowledge base of the kid and therefore enhances the aptitude and skills to become fluent in the language.Many parents are now taking advantage of the fact that there is a huge demand for Spanish services and this has brought about new Spanish tutoring for young kid rates. This has spurred up the need for bilingual teachers who understand the needs of the children. The need for fluent speakers is therefore becoming more important than ever before.There is no doubt that this demand is filling up and the only thing you can do to ensure that your child is taken care of is to choose the co mpany or individual in the right manner. Check whether the company has a steady track record of delivering quality services and also one that offers suitable deals. Try to find out whether they are offering a free introductory period or if they are charging anything for a free introduction. Check whether they provide aftercare courses or if they will charge the parents on a monthly basis.Another important question that you need to ask is how they would teach the lessons? Are they all-inclusive or do they prefer to use multimedia classes or are they basically textbooks with audio and video clips that guide the child during lessons? It is important to ensure that the Spanish teacher that you are looking for is able to devise a practical and effective teaching method.All the teachers are required to have a good command of the language in order to teach effectively and in time to pass the subject on to the children. Parents can avail of Spanish tutoring for young kid rates to provide th eir children a great and rewarding experience in the language. The selection process is important because of the demand for the services that they offer. Once you have found the right company you can opt for the right service.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Meet the Teachers David Zora teaching in Pavlodar Kazakhstan

Meet the Teachers David Zora teaching in Pavlodar Kazakhstan Canadian teachers, David and Zora, began their Teach Away placement with Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools in Kazakhstan in January 2015. We caught up with them to learn how they're enjoying her teaching abroad experience in Pavlodar so far.What initially interested you in teaching abroad?My wife and I are both long-time teachers, and we both love adventure. We have taught in the UAE twice, in several parts of Canada, and now in Kazakhstan. Teaching abroad was a natural choice for us.Why did you decide on Kazakhstan and the NIS program?The NIS program came to our attention through my contact with Teach Away on another possibility. We leapt at the chance and don’t regret it!Describe the school that you teach at.The school is great, and the kids are amazing! I have taught in many different environments, and I have never met a group of students who are ALL so eager, friendly, welcoming and extremely nice. It is a genuine pleasure being in a classroom with these kids!What does the typica l workday look like?We (the international teachers) teach 18 40-minute periods in a five-day week, Monday to Friday. We also have to make up a number of hours of ‘extra-curricular’ activities. These may include English lessons with our co-teachers, tutorial sessions, clubs, or other activities. This year, my classroom time consisted of three Grade 8 classes with a Russian-speaking co-teacher, and one Grade 9 class with a Kazakh co-teacher. Class time was roughly split between us, usually in our relative languages. My co-teaching experience has been wonderful this year … classes were a real combined effort, both in planning and delivery. Between classes was time for lesson prep, personal responsibilities such as banking, medical appointments, etc. and collaboration. We are required to be in school from 8am to 5pm, with one hour for lunch between 12 and 2. There are also some required cultural events to attend on the weekends, but these are usually great fun. There are also Kaza kh and Russian language lessons once a week.What's the cost of living like in Kazakhstan?We are living in Pavlodar, and the cost of living is pretty low. We understand that it is more expensive in big cities like Astana or Almaty. Also, we have been told that the salaries are higher outside of the big cities. It doesn’t really matter to us, because we don’t like city living and LOVE Pavlodar! We have been to more cultural experiences in four months than in four years teaching in Northern Alberta. The kinds of events we’ve been to include some excellent Russian dance troupes (look up Todes), a jazz evening, concerts, the ballet, and more!Do you have any tips for teachers who are looking to apply to teach abroad or for the NIS program in particular?It is a wonderful experience! Kazakhs are a lovely, warm and welcoming people. NIS seems to be a super place to work. I highly recommend working abroad, in general, and working for NIS in particular. However, to anyone who is used to a set plan/schedule and is ‘rigid’ by nature - you really must be totally flexible, and ‘go with the flow’ to survive. Any final pieces of advice or suggestions?Yes! Where do I start… 1) You are paid essentially for an 11-month year. Paid leave days are accrued and can be applied either to Christmas or summer vacation. Remember the rest of your leave is unpaid. 2) In terms of medical and dental care, you are covered for most things if you go to an approved clinic. You will have to locate one yourself and take a translator. It has often been easier to just find a good one close by and pay ourselves as health costs are quite low compared to home. 3) You MUST keep original receipts (preferably credit card statements) and original boarding passes in order to be compensated for travel to Kazakhstan and for vacations. I had a huge problem because I paid cash, and had only my boarding passes and e-tickets, which was not considered enough evidence.Long and short, we love it here, both working and living, and although there are little idiosyncrasies to overcome, we recommend it very highly!Inspired by David and Zora's experience? Take a look at our current teaching positions with NIS.

3 Innovative Foreign Language Dictionary Hacks for Every Stage of Learning

3 Innovative Foreign Language Dictionary Hacks for Every Stage of Learning 3 Innovative Foreign Language Dictionary Hacks for Every Stage of Learning A foreign language dictionary is an absolute essential, a basic language learning tool.But do you want to  get some extra mileage out of it?  Can  you use it beyond looking up words you dont know  when youre reading?Arent  dictionaries just boring and utilitarian resources, especially when you have colorful,  modern textbooks and shiny online lessons  to go after?Dictionaries, both online and off, are great learning resources, even if they seem to be boring as all get out. And even that last bit wasn’t at all accurateâ€"modern dictionaries usually contain mini-grammar resources and phrasebooks alongside their other virtues.If youre learning an uncommon language, sometimes  a dictionary and phrasebook are the only learning resources you have access to.It just takes a little creativity to make these massive sources of information work for you.Here are three  dictionary hacks anyone can use! 3 Innovative Foreign Language Dictionary Hacks for Every Stage of Learning1. Beginner: Compi le Targeted Word Lists to Jumpstart Your VocabularyWhat’s cooler than creating your own personalized textbook? This is basically what Gabriel Wyner, author of Fluent Forever, proposes on his website. Through classes or basic textbooks, all language learners are expected to pick up basic vocabulary that addresses a traveler’s most pressing needs. These include such basic categories as animals, places, body parts, food, etc., and they can be broken down into thematic  word lists.A word list is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a categorically organized list of words for specific situations. The categories help you remember words used in similar situations, and this method of learning vocabulary (while a little rote) is great when you need to quickly learn something for immediate use. FluentU  even allows users to create targeted word lists within its program.You may ask, what good does a word list do? Well, a word list does more than you think. It’s both a starting point and a support for your other studies. The generally agreed-upon basic vocabulary categories are defined because those are the most basic things people need to understand and express. And, if you’re going traveling soon or want to start speaking the language as soon as possible, you can never underestimate the value of this vocabulary! Even if your grammar is lagging behind, Tarzan-speak combined with strategic gesturing can get you far.Here are some ideas for dictionaries and other resources to help you out!Gabriel Wyner’s guidelines for creating a basic vocabulary.  Wyner’s method covers all of the basic categories and eventually  leads you to compile word lists for 625 words. This is a lifesaver, especially if you don’t have funds or other access to textbooks!WordReference  is a multilingual dictionary great for a wide number of world  languages.Jisho  is an easy-to-use Japanese-English dictionary.iCIBA is a high-quality Chinese dictionary.If you’re learning a rarer language, try Lonely Planet phrasebooksâ€"they come in a huge number of languages, including those with scarce online resources. The dictionaries in the back of the books are often extensive enough to outline your  basic, necessary vocabulary, and the phrasebooks themselves are of excellent quality. I used one  myself  to learn decent Hebrew!2. Intermediate:  Mine Sentences for Your SRSYou intermediate learners out there can get a lot more out of your bilingual dictionaries by using a  spaced repetition system (SRS).An SRS  is simply a computer-based flashcard program with a special twist. What makes SRS so special is its algorithm that predicts the rate of human memory decay. I’m sure you’re all familiar with memorizing some phrases or grammar tables, only to forget them one, two or ten days later. SRS fixes that for you!For example, if you make a flashcard with gato on the front and cat on the back, and you guess the correct English answer, the program will wait several days until it s hows you the flashcard again. If you get it wrong, then it will show you the card again immediately, over and over, until you get it right. Then it’ll show you the card one day later, with the time expanding as you become more confident in knowing the word. You end up reviewing difficult cards frequently and easy cards less frequently.FluentU contains its own SRS program that presents you with the vocabulary, phrases, expressions and grammar patterns youve been absorbing from videosâ€"and the cards actually have clips from those videos on them. How cool is that?There are also independent SRS programs you could turn to such as Anki and Mnemosyne.As you can see, SRS has huge implications in learning foreign language vocabulary items. But what’s this talk about sentences?Instead of entering a single target language word on the front of the card and its English translation on the back, you enter an entire sentence on the front, and the English translation (possibly with  an explanat ion of unknown words) on the back. Crazy! I know!  Why would someone do this? Why  shatter  the paradigm of learning individual words?Sentences provide you with context. Context is absolutely essential to efficient language learning. Context of a sentence, paragraph or book allows you to associate words with other things that you know, more so than learning a vocabulary word  in isolation. Thats why FluentU shows you clips of real conversations or songsâ€"the visual and aural context helps you remember the vocabulary items. In terms of grammar, SRS-ing sentences allows you to pick up grammar patterns that would ordinarily take a lot of memorization to learn. By seeing similar grammar patterns over and over, you’ll pick them up naturally.Obviously, for sentence-focused SRS, you’ll need to enter in a huge number of sentencesâ€"in the thousands (Khatzumoto from All Japanese All The Time had 7000 sentences in his SRS by the time he was fluent in Japanese, and  he recommends collecti ng 10,000 sentences!).Where do you find these sentences? Everywhere! You can get them from your textbooks, and, when you’re more advanced, from other media.  It’s clearly easier to mine sentences from written material, which is where your handy-dandy dictionary comes in.High-quality bilingual dictionaries contain example sentences for a word you want to learn, along with their  English translations. It couldn’t get easier! You enter these into your SRS, and you’re golden. Oftentimes, higher priced paper dictionaries work better for this, but here are some online foreign language dictionary resources you can use:WordReference, again. It has the most example sentences for Spanish and French, significantly fewer for German. Not so many for other European languages.Jisho has a lot of sample sentences for Japanese.iCIBA seems to have a lot of Chinese sample sentences, too.3. Advanced: Discover the Wonders of Monolingual DictionariesSo, you’ve outgrown your bilingual dictionarie s, that translate everything neatly (perhaps too neatly) into English for you, and they just don’t have the words or the cultural explanations you’re looking for. They keep shifting your brain into native language mode, which breaks up your immersion time. What to do, what to do?Two words: monolingual dictionaries.With these, you can understand the language using the language itself. Spanish words defined in Spanish, Chinese grammar explained in Chinese!You can dive into these when you’ve reached the high-intermediate stage in terms of reading. I recommend making sure you can understand mainstream literature without heavy use of a dictionary or monolingual dictionaries will be tough. Reading through the definitions in monolingual dictionaries can take a little more time, and you might even find yourself looking up words in the definitions of those words. However, thats a quite effective way to keep growing your vocabulary with plenty of context, relevance and associations that your memory craves.You can SRS the example sentences from monolingual dictionaries, but you can also SRS the definitions. Let’s say you enter in a sentence, but you’re so advanced that you only need to define two words. You look them up in your monolingual dictionary and copy-paste both definitions.But wait! There are words in the definitions that you don’t know! Define those words (embedded definitions) and you’re getting so much understandable language exposure it’s insane. When you start learning from monolingual dictionaries, your abilities improve rapidly.There are tons of good monolingual dictionaries online. Check these out:Word Reference Diccionario Español  or the native Spanish-language dictionary by Real Academia Española  are two great Spanish options.Larousse  is ideal for French.The Free Dictionary  offers a ton of world languages!Dictionaries are some of the cheapest, easiest-to-find language resources.And with these three hacks, your dictionaries will pa y for themselves several times overâ€"even if theyre free!Cheap and  useful dictionaries are cooler than you thought, huh?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Explore the Outdoors Giveaway

Explore the Outdoors Giveaway Explore the Outdoors Giveaway In honor of Earth Month, PBS Kids will be airing special programming featuring new outdoor adventures all week long. Jet and his friends on Ready Jet Go! will be exploring the outdoors in four brand new episodes. To celebrate, were teaming up with our friends at Ready Jet Go! to give away a prize pack! Heres how to enter:   1) Follow BOTH @kumonnorthamerica and @readyjetgopbs on Instagram 2) Like the contest post 3) Leave a comment on the post letting us know how youre going to explore the outdoors this week! We will choose one winner after the contest ends on Friday, April 19th. OFFICIAL RULES NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Eligibility The Kumon Giveaway (the “Giveaway”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States (excluding Rhode Island) and the District of Columbia and Canada (excluding Quebec) who are at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. Employees of Kumon North America, Inc., or any of their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, or any other company or individual involved with the design, production execution or distribution of the Giveaway and their immediate family (spouse, parents and step-parents, siblings and step-siblings, and children and step-children) and household members (people who share the same residence at least three (3) months out of the year) of each such employee are not eligible. Franchisees of Kumon North America, Inc. and their respective employees are prohibited.   The Giveaway is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Participation constitutes entrant’s full an d unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor’s decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Giveaway. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein. Sponsor Kumon North America, Inc., 55 Challenger Rd., Suite 300, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660. Giveaway Submission Period The Giveaway submission period is from April 15, 2019 at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) to April 19, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the “Giveaway Submission Period”). Sponsor is the official time keeper for this Giveaway. How to Enter During the Giveaway Submission Period you can enter as follows: Follow @KumonNorthAmerica and @readyjetgopbs on Instagram Like our contest post Leave a comment on our contest post letting us know how you are going to explore the outdoors this week. Each entrant is allowed only one (1) Entry during the Giveaway Submission Period.  By uploading the Entry, the entrant agrees that his/her Entry conforms to all of the Official Rules, including, but not limited to, the Entry Guidelines and Content Restrictions as defined in Sections 5 below (collectively, the “Guidelines and Restrictions”), and that Sponsor may remove an Entry and disqualify a Participant from the Giveaway if Sponsor believes, in its sole and absolute discretion, that an Entry fails to conform to the Guidelines and Restrictions. Uploading a photo is optional. Entry Requirements Each Entry: Must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright infringement; Must not disparage Sponsor, or any other person or party affiliated with the promotion and administration of this Giveaway; Must not in any way, either visibly or otherwise, contain any brand names or trademarks other than those of Sponsor or as indicated herein.; Must not include personally-identifiable information of anyone other than yourself; Must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, lewd, pornographic, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous; Must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; and Must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of, or contrary to the laws or regulations in any jurisdiction where Entry is created. All Entries will be reviewed for content eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules before being judged. Entries containing false information, prohibited material or inappropriate content, as determined by the Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may be disqualified. Sponsor makes the final determination as to what Entries are eligible to take part in this Giveaway. Submission of an Entry grants Sponsor and its agents the unconditional, irrevocable, worldwide right to publish, use, adapt, edit and/or modify such Entry in any way, in any and all media, without limitation, and without consideration to the entrant, whether or not such Entry is selected as a winning Entry. BY SUBMITTING THE ORIGINAL ENTRY, THE ENTRANT REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT HE/SHE HAS ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST NECESSARY TO GRANT THE SPONSOR THE WORLDWIDE, IRREVOCABLE AND UNRESTRICTED RIGHT AND LICENSE TO ADAPT, PUBLISH, USE, EDIT, AND/OR MODIFY SUCH ENTRY IN ANY WAY AND POST THE ORIGINAL ENTRY ON THE INTE RNET OR USE THE ORIGINAL ENTRY IN ANY OTHER WAY AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD SPONSOR HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS TO THE CONTRARY. Winner Selection On or about April 22, 2019, the Sponsor or an independent judging agency will select one (1) entry prize described below in Section 9 in a random drawing of all valid entries received up to the point of the drawing. The entrant will be contacted by Instagram direct message and/or by reply to their comment entered on the contest post and may be awarded the prize (subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with the terms of these rules.) Sponsor’s decisions as to the administration and operation of the Giveaway and the selection of potential winner are final and binding in all matters related to the Giveaway. Winner will be notified or about or about the selection date. Failure to respond to the initial contact within ten (10) business days of date of notification will result in disqualification. Odds of winning a prize depend on the number of eligible entries received before the respective selection during the Giveaway Entry Period. Limit one prize per person. POTENTIAL GIVEAWAY WINNER IS SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY SPONSOR WHOSE DECISIONS ARE FINAL AND BINDING IN ALL MATTERS RELATED TO THE GIVEAWAY Verification of Potential Winner Potential winner must continue to comply with all terms and conditions of these Official Rules and winning is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements. The potential winner may be required to provide the Sponsor with documentation that shows he or she was an eligible participant. The potential winner will be notified by Instagram direct message after the date of random drawing. The potential winner will be required to sign and return to Sponsor, within ten (10) days of the date notice is sent, an affidavit of eligibility, and liability/publicity release (except where prohibited) in order to claim his/her prize if applicable. If a potential winner of any prize cannot be contacted, fails to sign and return the affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release within the required time period (if applicable), or if the prize or prize notification is returned as undeliverable, potential winner forfeits prize. In the event that a potential winner of a Giveaway prize is disqualifi ed for any reason, Sponsor may award the applicable prize to an alternate winner by random drawing from among all remaining eligible entries. Canadian winners must also answer a skill-based question in order to claim a prize. Prizes One (1) prize pack will be awarded. The prize winner will receive: one (1) Ready Jet Go water bottle; one (1) Ready Jet Go pillow case; one (1) Ready Jet Go beach towel; four (4) DVDs of other PBS Kids series (DVD’s may vary); one (1) Pinkalicious doodle book; one (1) Curious George plush doll; one (1) Sun Spot plush doll; one (1) PBS Kids tote bag; two (2) Arthur masks; two (2) Dinosaur Train books; one (1) PBS Kids yo-yo; One (1) Amazon Fire ® Kids Edition Tablet 7” IPS Display, 16GB with Kid-Proof Case; One (1) Kumon travel coffee mug; One (1) Kumon water bottle; One (1) Kumon tote bag; One (1) Kumon pencil; One (1) Kumon pen; One (1) Kumon drawstring bag One (1) Kumon stress ball One (1) Kumon highlighter; One (1) Kumon parent guide; Three (3) Kumon Publishing workbooks; Prizes are non-transferable, and no substitution will be made except as provided herein at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute any listed prize for one of equal or greater value for any reason. Winner is responsible for all taxes and fees associated with prize receipt and/or use. Entry Conditions and Release By entering, each entrant agrees to: (a) comply with and be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, and/or the Giveaway judges which are binding and final in all matters relating to this Giveaway; (b) release and hold harmless the Sponsor, Instagram, and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, the prize suppliers and any other organizations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Giveaway, and all of their respective past and present officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liability, including but not limited to negligence and damages of any kind to persons and property, including but not limited to invasion of privacy (under appropriation, intrusion, public disclosure of private facts, false light in the public eye or other legal theory), defamation, slander, libel, violation of rig ht of publicity, infringement of trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights, property damage, or death or personal injury arising out of or relating to a participant’s entry, creation of an entry or submission of an entry, participation in the Giveaway, acceptance or use or misuse of prize (including any travel or activity related thereto) and/or the broadcast, exploitation or use of entry; and (c) indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Sponsor from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or relating to an entrant’s participation in the Giveaway and/or entrant’s acceptance, use or misuse of prize. Publicity Except where prohibited, participation in the Giveaway constitutes winners consent to Sponsor’s and its agents’ use of winner’s name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions and/or hometown and state for promotional purposes in any media, worldwide, without further payment or consideration. General Conditions Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Giveaway, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond Sponsor’s reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Giveaway, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Giveaway or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or any other promotion or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Giveaway may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. Limitations of Liability The Released Parties are not responsible for: (a) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Giveaway; (b) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (c) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Giveaway; (d) technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Giveaway or the processing of Entries; or (e) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Giveaway or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. If for any reason an entrant’s Entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, entrant’s sole remedy is another Entry in the Giveaway. No more than the stated number of prizes will be awarded. Disputes Entrant agrees that: (a) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Giveaway, or any prizes awarded, other than those concerning the administration of the Giveaway or the determination of winners, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (b) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Giveaway, or any prizes awarded, will be construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of New Jersey, and the forum and venue for any dispute shall be in the county of Bergen County, New Jersey. If the controversy or claim is not otherwise resolved through direct discussions or mediation, it shall then be resolved by final and binding arbitration administered by judicial arbitration and mediation services, inc., in accordance with its streamlined arbitration rules and procedures or subsequent versions thereof (“Jams Rules”). The Jams Rules for selection of an arbitrator s hall be followed, except that the arbitrator shall be experienced and licensed to practice law in New Jersey. All proceedings brought pursuant to this paragraph will be conducted in Bergen County, New Jersey; (c) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Giveaway, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (d) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Entrant’s Personal Information Information collected from entrants is subject to the Sponsor’s Privacy Policy which is available  here. Giveaway  Results For Giveaway results send a hand-printed, self-addressed, stamped envelope to Kumon Giveaway â€" Winners List Request, Kumon North America, Inc., 55 Challenger Rd., Suite 300, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660. Requests for the winner list must be received by May 31, 2019. DO NOT SEND ANY OTHER CORRESPONDENCE OR ENTRIES TO THIS ADDRESS. This  Giveaway  is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with,  Instagram. You are providing your information to  Kumon North America, Inc.  and not to  Instagram. The information you provide will only be used for this  Giveaway. You might also be interested in: Enter to Win! Giveaway Alert 5 POPULAR CHILDREN’S BOOKS-TURNED-MOVIES TO EXPLORE THIS SUMMER The 2019 Kumon Student Conference Application Period is Now Open Explore the Outdoors Giveaway Explore the Outdoors Giveaway In honor of Earth Month, PBS Kids will be airing special programming featuring new outdoor adventures all week long. Jet and his friends on Ready Jet Go! will be exploring the outdoors in four brand new episodes. To celebrate, were teaming up with our friends at Ready Jet Go! to give away a prize pack! Heres how to enter:   1) Follow BOTH @kumonnorthamerica and @readyjetgopbs on Instagram 2) Like the contest post 3) Leave a comment on the post letting us know how youre going to explore the outdoors this week! We will choose one winner after the contest ends on Friday, April 19th. OFFICIAL RULES NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Eligibility The Kumon Giveaway (the “Giveaway”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States (excluding Rhode Island) and the District of Columbia and Canada (excluding Quebec) who are at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. Employees of Kumon North America, Inc., or any of their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, or any other company or individual involved with the design, production execution or distribution of the Giveaway and their immediate family (spouse, parents and step-parents, siblings and step-siblings, and children and step-children) and household members (people who share the same residence at least three (3) months out of the year) of each such employee are not eligible. Franchisees of Kumon North America, Inc. and their respective employees are prohibited.   The Giveaway is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Participation constitutes entrant’s full an d unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor’s decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Giveaway. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein. Sponsor Kumon North America, Inc., 55 Challenger Rd., Suite 300, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660. Giveaway Submission Period The Giveaway submission period is from April 15, 2019 at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) to April 19, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the “Giveaway Submission Period”). Sponsor is the official time keeper for this Giveaway. How to Enter During the Giveaway Submission Period you can enter as follows: Follow @KumonNorthAmerica and @readyjetgopbs on Instagram Like our contest post Leave a comment on our contest post letting us know how you are going to explore the outdoors this week. Each entrant is allowed only one (1) Entry during the Giveaway Submission Period.  By uploading the Entry, the entrant agrees that his/her Entry conforms to all of the Official Rules, including, but not limited to, the Entry Guidelines and Content Restrictions as defined in Sections 5 below (collectively, the “Guidelines and Restrictions”), and that Sponsor may remove an Entry and disqualify a Participant from the Giveaway if Sponsor believes, in its sole and absolute discretion, that an Entry fails to conform to the Guidelines and Restrictions. Uploading a photo is optional. Entry Requirements Each Entry: Must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright infringement; Must not disparage Sponsor, or any other person or party affiliated with the promotion and administration of this Giveaway; Must not in any way, either visibly or otherwise, contain any brand names or trademarks other than those of Sponsor or as indicated herein.; Must not include personally-identifiable information of anyone other than yourself; Must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, lewd, pornographic, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous; Must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; and Must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of, or contrary to the laws or regulations in any jurisdiction where Entry is created. 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Physics and Chemistry

Physics and ChemistryThere are a lot of different subjects you can study at University that will enable you to obtain a degree in a science. However, some of these subjects are quite hard to grasp and take time to study because they require real skills that not many people possess. If you are a student looking for an easy course to learn the basics of Physics and Maths, then you might consider joining a teaching and tutoring course for a couple of years so that you can build up your knowledge and the ability to teach without any problems.Most Physics and Maths teachers start their career by going through a teaching course. They then move onto a preparatory course that will prepare them for a teaching course. Once you have achieved the required qualifications, you can look for jobs in a university where you will be learning both Physics and Maths. You can also try to get a teaching certificate from the Department of Education in your country.You will find that Physics and Maths are ac tually quite similar and you can combine them well with each other. Physics is about understanding the world around us, while Maths deals with working out how things work and how we use them. To begin, you should start by studying one of the following subjects:Most Physics and Maths teacher usually choose Physics first as this is the most popular course to study. You can choose to study Maths as a second choice, but this is probably very difficult for people who want to become an astrophysicist or a meteorologist. Maths is easier as it is based on science while Physics can be based on pure fantasy. Physics is about understanding the properties of the world around us such as gravity, or rotational and circular motion, which can help us understand why we get sun, rain, clouds, fire and even the Earth's magnetic field.After completing the course, you can then study PhysicalProperties of Materials. This subject will mainly deal with the properties of metals, or alloys, of different mate rials, including plastics and ceramics.After you have completed your Physics and Maths teach course, you can then go on to study Physics under Physics Tutors. Tutors are also known as Physics Teachers, but they are actually called Physics Tutors and Science Tutors respectively.After graduating, you can then choose to go on to do a course that will enable you to study Physics and Chemistry. You will usually find a number of different schools in your country that offer a variety of degrees to help you do both Physics and Chemistry. A good school will usually give you a good idea of how much time you have to devote to studying these subjects because you will generally have a course that is very similar.

How to Find a Therapeutic Analytical Chemistry Tutor?

How to Find a Therapeutic Analytical Chemistry Tutor?An analytical chemistry tutor is one who has experience in the chemical sciences. These tutors study with and help students to get into a PhD program or to earn a degree in chemistry. These tutors are trained for teaching those sciences that were not their specialty. Some might be from medical schools, pharmacy schools, or even biological and life sciences.In order to find an analytical chemistry tutor, you need to be careful. You also need to be very honest with your teacher. A good tutor might not be as good as the student thinks. It takes time to discover if a tutor is really good. By asking several questions and by being honest, you will come to the right conclusion and you can opt for the best tutor.Before you go for the analytical chemistry tutor, it is advisable to know your chemistry well. The student must know about analytical chemistry. They should also be able to discuss their problem with the tutor in a short span of ti me. The student should be able to explain to the tutor how they see things.Most of the analytical chemistry tutor has some experiences in chemistry, which is very important. Some of them may have done research before entering into the business. You must make sure that the analytical chemistry tutor does not have any problem with science. They should be quite intelligent about the subject and you can know this after talking to them.Tutors are also more likely to be independent than the students. A tutor is a resource of information and hence, they may be more helpful. This is because they have a lot of experience in different kinds of science. The students usually feel that the teacher is actually their friend. This allows them to interact and get to know other students better.There are other attributes that an analytical chemistry tutor may have. They are able to understand the student's problem. These tutors can point out problems in the problems. It is common to hear that students complain that they are not solving a problem. A tutor will suggest a solution. It is normal for students to complain that the teacher is unable to solve their problem.In conclusion, an analytical chemistry tutor is a professional and a good one is someone who have the patience to see the entire process. The tutor should be able to let the student do the homework. The tutor should not be influenced by the student's way of thinking. In fact, the tutor should help the student understand that an analytic chemistry problem can be solved using analytical chemistry. That means, the teacher needs to be flexible in teaching the subject.

How to Master Acrylic Painting

How to Master Acrylic Painting Learn to Paint with Acrylics ChaptersWhat Are Acrylic Paints?Why Use Acrylic Paints?How Do You Use Acrylic Paints?How Can You Learn to Paint with Acrylics?What Equipment Do You Need to Paint with Acrylics?“Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do.” - Edgar DegasA lot more people would be interested in artistic pursuits like painting, dancing, sculpture, or photography if they had the time and the money.So why not set aside a bit of time and learn how to paint with acrylics?While acrylics can be used for painting walls, they’re mainly used for creating art. From primers, primary colours, and additives to glazes, washes, undercoats, and extra-fine paints, here’s our guide to acrylic painting. Whether you don't have a clue about mixing colours or using an easel, both beginners and experts alike can paint with acrylics. FernandoPainting Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaPainting Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors D avidPainting Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPainting Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StefaniaPainting Teacher 5.00 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SakinaPainting Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenPainting Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Off2themoonholliePainting Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Are Acrylic Paints?Have you just started your art tutorials and you’re not sure where to begin? Not sure what type of paint you should be using or which techniques you should be learning?Painting tutorials can cover plenty of different techniques and mediums (graphite pencils, Indian ink, pastels, poster paints, watercolours, sanguine drawing, charcoal, oil paints, etc.).But what about acrylics? Where do they come from?Acrylic paints are a recent invention. (Source: HoliHo)According to Wikipedia, “Acrylic pai nt is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion.”This type of paint is relatively new in comparison to older types of paint like watercolours. Oil paints have also been around for about 500 years. The story of acrylic paint starts more recently.Synthetic paints first appeared in the 1930s in the United States of America. The paint was initially used to paint cars and buildings. However, some artists started using this paint for their works.Artists like Barnett Newman and Marris Louis used their paint mixed with turpentine to paint their works.The paint as we know it today was really invented in 1963. The chemist Henry Levinson invented this paint which could be diluted in water to make it more useful for art.The first brand of this type of acrylic paint was called Liquitex. It was made famous by Andy Warhol who regularly used it in his work.Acrylics started becoming popular in Europe in the 1960s after Pierre Alechinsky discovered them while in the United States.The paint today is made from ground synthetic or natural pigments.  It is then mixed with water and acrylic resin in order to give it its final texture.Learn more about the differences between acrylics, oils and pastels!Why Use Acrylic Paints?What is so special about acrylic paint and what are the advantages of using it?Acrylic paints can be really easy to use. Once they're mixed with a bit of water, they're very easy to paint with.It can be used on a wide range of supports and surfaces making it many artists’ favourite type of paint.However, acrylic paint, unlike oil paint, dries very quickly. It’s therefore very difficult to go back to your work in order to change the colours.Acrylics can be a great way to express your creativity. (Source: bilgecangurer)This can also be its biggest strength. You don’t have to wait weeks for the layers to dry like you have to with oil painting.  That said, some painters do leave their acrylics to dry for a bit longer.Acrylic pai nt can also be used to base your work before painting on a stretched canvas with oils. It doesn’t quite work the other way round, though.You can use acrylics for a variety of different pieces. It’s one of the most common types of paint used in art classes, painting tutorials, and online art classes.  I’ve always loved painting with acrylics.It’s also very easy to quickly copy the greats like Monet, Courbet, Delacroix, Dali, Da Vinci, Picasso, Cézanne, Degas, Rubens, Botticelli, Renoir, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, or Manet.Check here for the best painting courses here. FernandoPainting Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaPainting Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidPainting Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPainting Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StefaniaPainting Teacher 5.00 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SakinaPainting Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenPainting Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Off2themoonholliePainting Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Do You Use Acrylic Paints?Acrylics are very easy to use. There are plenty of acrylic painting techniques: you can work with a palette knife, brush, or whatever. You can paint to your heart’s content!So how do use this type of paint?While there’s no surefire way to paint with acrylics, here’s some advice.Start by applying a layer of acrylic paint to smooth out of the surface of your canvas. This paint will also act as the background to your work. If your composition is light, avoid using a dark colour for the base.Make sure that the paint is slightly diluted. Choose a colour close to the main colour of your piece.  Some artists paint shapes directly onto the canvas with a brush. If you’re not sure of yourself, you can sketch with charcoal, chalk, graphite pencils , etc.These are painting classes near me you can take.Unlike watercolours, acrylics won't wash if you add water once it's dried. (Source: Pexels)You’ll need to add colour to your work, too. Start with the background objects first. Even if you make a mistake, you can always go back over it later with the elements in the foreground.Go from the lightest to the darkest colours.  You’ll finish by adding the dark shadows to your piece in order to give it depth. You can achieve a wide range of textures and tones with your strokes. You can create dynamic works with each brushstroke visible.You should then protect your work by using a special varnish for acrylic paints which can be found in art shops. This will stop the paint spoiling over time.Join the discussion: is it easier to paint with acrylics or with to paint with watercolours?How Can You Learn to Paint with Acrylics?Knowing the theory is all well and good, but it’s practice that makes perfect.So how can you learn to paint with acrylic paint in your free time?There are several options depending on why you’re trying to learn and what you’re trying to learn.Learn to Paint in an Art SchoolIf you’re in secondary school or college and looking for something to do with your life, you might consider studying art at university or at an art school.There are plenty of good art schools up and down the country where students will learn a variety of painting techniques (watercolours, acrylics, oils, poster paints, pastels, Indian ink, etc.) and you can find your speciality.Art WorkshopsIn order to learn how to paint, either for work or for fun, you can attend art workshops. These acrylic painting lessons, taught by a professional artist, painter, or art teacher, are a great way for anyone to learn both the basics of art or to improve their artwork.There are plenty of different types of workshops: intensive workshops, how to paint on canvas, painting with knives, painting on glass, silk, porcelain, etc.Learning to paint with acrylics won't be like your art lessons in primary school! (Source: flockine)Get in Touch with Art AssociationsThere are often art associations and groups in the bigger cities and exist to help people get into art. They often offer classes for all levels to learn how to paint with a variety of different paints, including acrylics.You can also meet other art students and learn together by sharing acrylic painting tips and advice.Contact a Private Art TutorIf you have a busy schedule, you can always find a private art tutor.They might be a retired art school teacher, a student currently studying art, or anything in between. Regardless of their profile, they can help you learn how to paint and improve your creativity.Teaching Yourself to PaintSome people would prefer not to attend art classes or get private tutorials. Others just can’t get to a class because they live too far away or just don’t have the time.You can set aside a few hours a week to watch online video tut orials and practise what you learn. This can be a great way to learn how to paint.Whatever you’re painting, you can find videos on learning how to do it online.What Equipment Do You Need to Paint with Acrylics?Whether you’re using acrylics on canvas, paper, mixed media, or another support, you’ll need some equipment. You need to take your budget into account when getting art supplies.Easels, acrylic varnish, paints, canvases, mechanical pencils, white spirit, etc... what exactly do you need to buy?The paint is obviously the first thing you should get if you want to learn how to paint with acrylics. However, there are plenty of different types of acrylic paint.Before you buy your paint, you should check the labels for things like “quick drying” etc. Acrylic paints are generally bigger and cheaper than oils. They’re a good alternative.You also need to buy supports. Canson paper, cotton, linen, or synthetic canvas, the choice is yours. Whether you're doing portrait painting , landscape painting, or a still life.When it comes to buying brushes, avoid buying thin brushes. Acrylics are thick and you need a brush with bristles that can handle them. You can, of course, buy a couple finer brushes for the details.Now discover how to paint with pastels...

Crepes for Beginners

Crepes for Beginners How to Cook Real Crepes! ChaptersThe History of CrepesHow to Make Crepe BatterCooking CrepesHow to Make Savoury CrepesCooking Vegan CrepesToppings for CrepesBreton Crepes“Pancakes were meant to be flipped!” - Anthony T. HincksInterested in cooking for yourself?rAccording to a 2015 study by Gfk, “After the Chinese, the French enjoy cooking food the most”. Nearly two-thirds of French people cook at least once a week and nearly a third cook for themselves every day.With recipes like crepes, who can blame them?In this article, we’ve got some recipes for you to try out yourself. GiovanniCooking Teacher 4.83 (12) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HalimaCooking Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors VincenzoCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GinellaCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArronCooking Teacher 5.00 (2) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all ou r tutors JoshuaCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlickCooking Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe History of CrepesWhile crepes are quintessentially French, they’re also pretty global. Pancake day is a celebration of them, albeit with a religious background. The first ever crepes were far thicker than they're made today. (Source: Bru-nO)How much do you know about the history of them, though?Traditionally, they’re cooked on a pancake maker, a large edgeless hotplate, and made from a batter of milk and flour. They’re generally very thin, unlike American pancakes, and eaten as a dessert. However, you can enjoy both sweet and savoury crepes and eat them either hot or cold.Crepes are usually eaten with toppings. You can enjoy them with sugar, chocolate, jam, or vegetables, meats, or fish if you prefer savoury crepes.Crepes are probably old than you think. The first crepes date back to around 7,000BCE. That said, crepes back then were quite different from the crepes we eat nowadays. They were made from water and crushed cereals, resulting in a thicker batter. They were cooked on a flat stone, too.  Many years later, during the 13th century, the Breton crepe appeared.After all, the Bretons would have to wait until buckwheat arrived in Franc e following crusades in Asia. These crepes were much thinner than their ancient counterparts and became known as buckwheat pancakes or galettes. Galettes are gluten-free and can be enjoyed with all sorts of vegetables as an entire dish. Breton tradition dictates that you should hold a coin in your hand when tossing the galette to bring you good fortune throughout the whole year.Galettes are different from typical crepes and pancakes as they’ve got a different consistency. After all, galettes are made using buckwheat whereas crepes use wheat flour. Crepes then became popular all over France.Nowadays, the crepe has become international. With pancakes in the English-speaking world, blinis in the East, and tortillas in Mexico, there are variations on the crepe all over the world. Each nation cooks a version of something akin to crepes according to the ingredients they have on hand.Find out more about easy recipes for beginners.How to Make Crepe BatterNow that you know the history of t he crepe, it’s time to make some for yourself. Crepes are made from batter and nothing else. If you don't get it right, your crepes won't be any good. (Source: RitaE)For a good crepe, you need to make a good batter. If the batter is bad, there’s no way your crepe will be good. They’ll either be too sticky, too thick, too floury, etc.For around a dozen crepes:250g of flour2 tablespoons of sugar5g of salt4 eggs450ml of milk50g of melted butterMaking crepe batter isn’t that complicated; it’s really easy. The important thing is to get the consistency right.To start, grab a large mixing bowl or salad bowl. To make sure it’s not lumpy, you’ll want to sieve the flour before pouring it in.  Make a well in the centre of the flour and start mixing in the eggs.With a whisk, mix the eggs and flour. Slowly pour in the milk while whisking. Finally, sprinkle in the salt and sugar. A small pinch should suffice.  Add the softened butter and add in the rest of the milk. You can also reduce the amount of milk by using warm water.Mix unt il you get a homogeneous batter. Your batter needs to be a smooth liquid. However, it needs to be thicker than water. The more you make crepes, the better you’ll know the ideal consistency.Let it sit in the fridge for an hour or two.Looking to make something more substantial?Learn how to make a quiche.Cooking CrepesOnce you’ve got the batter right, it’ll be hard to mess up cooking your crepes. However, crepes are traditionally made on a special hotplate. If you don’t have one, though, you can always use a non-stick frying pan. Once you've got a good batter, you need to cook it correctly to get good crepes. (Source: RitaE)Heat the empty pan first. If the pan isn’t hot enough when you add the first crepe, you run the risk of it sticking. Once your pan’s up to heat, add the oil using a paper towel or rag. You need to do this between each crepe so that they don’t stick to the pan.You can use a ladle to pour the batter into the centre of the pan. Tilt the pan to help the batter to spread across it.  Cook each crepe for a minute or two on one side. If your pan is hot enough, the crepe should cleanly come off the pan.Now it’s time to flip your crepe.  If you’re brave enough, you can do this with just the pan and no other utensils. This is the fun part. If you don’t feel like flipping the crepe, you can always turn it over using a spatula.Cook the other side for around a minute, serve and add your toppings.  Your first crepe is ready!Find out how to make your own pizza. 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Mix until you get a homogeneous batter. Fina lly, add an egg and mix.You can cover with a tea towel put the mix in the fridge for a couple of hours. Now you can cook them the same way you would a crepe. Make sure you regularly grease your pan.After something savoury?Learn how to make a Croque monsieur.Cooking Vegan CrepesIf you want to enjoy crepes while still sticking to a vegan diet, here’s how.Ingredients:500g of flour1 litre of soy milk3 tablespoons of vegetable oil100ml of beer or ciderTo make vegan crepe batter, mix the flour and vegetable oil in a large bowl. Lightly warm your soy milk.  Mix the soy milk in with the flour.Add the beer or cider. You can also use sparkling water. The goal is to use the bubbles to aerate the batter.  Mix one last time before letting the batter sit for 20 minutes.You just need to cook it like you would any other crepe or galette.Toppings for CrepesThe batter isn’t the only place you can change the recipe for crepes. You can also choose what you put on them.Sweet CrepesSweet crepes are o ften served with chocolate, butter, sugar, or jam. However, you can also add ice cream, caramel, or other dessert ingredients.You could also add some cheese, like brie, with jam, for a sweet-savoury mix.Savoury CrepesThe most popular savoury crepe is arguably the cheese and ham crepe. You can also crack an egg onto it just as you’re finishing the crepe so that the egg cooks but the crepe doesn’t burn.Breton CrepesThere are plenty of variations of crepes in Brittany. One of the most popular is the rum crepe. You can add a few tablespoons of rum once you’ve finished making your crepe batter. Savoury crepes are very popular in Brittany and northern France. (Source: congerdesign)You can also add olive oil, beer, cider, etc.  You can let your imagination run wild with crepes.Now it’s over to you!If you'd like to learn how to cook, consider getting private tutorials from one of the many talented private tutors on Superprof. There are three main types of cooking tutorial available: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Face-to-face tutorials involve just you and your tutor. These are usually the most expensive tutorials as you're paying for an individual tutor's time and all the bespoke preparation that goes into your tutorials. However, these are also the most cost-effective.Online tutorials tend to be cheaper as the tutor doesn't have to travel and can schedule more tutorials per week. Of course, it can be trickier to learn without a tutor in the room with you.Finally, if you're looking to save some money, group tutorials tend to be the cheapest pe r hour. While you won't get your tutor's undivided attention, the cost of the lesson is divided between all the students in attendance.Think carefully about your budget and how you like to learn before choosing your tutor and keep in mind that many of the tutors offer the first hour of tutoring for free.

German GCSE The Best Way To Learn German at School

German GCSE The Best Way To Learn German at School Learning German At GCSE Level ChaptersLanguage Learning Stigmas In GCSE Aged PupilsSo, Why Choose GCSE German?Common GCSE Language Learning IssuesGCSE German: Principal Exam BoardsUsing Past Papers To Improve German SkillsPupils need a stronger attitude towards language acquisition and it is teachers who need to change this approach. Thankfully, new language specifications are taking this on board and are beginning to introduce more and more details regarding the culture and the way of life in Germany.GCSE German: Principal Exam BoardsGerman at GCSE Level is offered by AQA, WJEC, Eduqas and OCR, among others. The qualification is designed to help learners to develop language skills and provide activities that have real-life relevance.The reformed GCSE German GCSE (which is now graded 9-1 as opposed to A*-E) is being taught from September 2017.Below are three of the most popular exam boards for German GCSE.AQAAQA officials have worked alongside teachers to create a specification that will stimulate and motivate st udents. As such, they’ve introduced a range of topics, many familiar but others focusing more on the culture of Germany and German-speaking territories.While the AQA syllabus offers an insight into culture, popular areas of interest and study and employment relating to German, the course is examined on the pupil’s speaking and writing abilities.OCROCR offers a flexible course whereby tasks can be completed out of the classroom, which can help teachers to set assessments in more relevant settings to encourage a higher performance.In a recent move towards offering even more flexibility to students too, OCR has introduced a short course whereby learners can either focus on just the speaking part or just the writing part of the course. This means that if you are better at one part, Speaking or Writing, you can opt to only be examined on these sections.EdexcelEdexcel, another one of the principal exam boards offering German lessons, has developed a syllabus that intends to motivate p upils by bringing language to life using cultural references and varying themes. The content covered is clear and manageable and has been trialled by teachers and students alike for suitability.Learn more about learning German at A level as well.Using Past Papers To Improve German SkillsAs with most, if not all other subjects offered by mainstream exam boards, German students can find past papers for their course by visiting the relevant exam board. Most documents are available in .pdf format and therefore easily downloaded prior to being printed out and completed by hand (as you have to in an actual written exam).When attempting a past paper, be sure to set yourself a time limit and to avoid being disturbed as you will want the experience to be as close to an exam setting as possible in order to gain the most from it.Try to mimic exam settings when completing past papers and don't let yourself get distracted. Photo credit: comedy_nose via Visual Hunt / CC BYPast papers are a fanta stic source of revision as they allow you to find out what kinds of questions you will be faced with when it comes to your exam, and let you practice exam techniques so that you are as prepared as can be by the time the assessment period arrives.In addition to past papers, be sure to cast your eye over the mark schemes as well so that you can fully understand what the examiner will be expecting from you.Note: While BBC Bitesize is a great source of German revision for GCSE students and provides mock exams to download and complete adapts to GCSE level, it is not an actual exam board and therefore the grades you achieve on their assessments may not reflect the grade you will get in your final GCSE exam.Search for German classes London.